如何部署 ETH 2.0 测试网

The Topaz Testnet (Ethereum Serenity Phase 0 Test Network, https://prylabs.net/)
Prysm is our Ethereum 2.0 client and it comes in two components.
Beacon chain client – Responsible for managing the state of the beacon chain, validator shuffling, and more.
Validator client – Responsible for producing new blocks and attestations in the beacon chain and shard chains.
提交validator deposit链接
Using the Prysm installation script
通过脚本启动Beacon chain client
The prysm.sh script will now download and initialise the beacon chain with the specified parameters. At this point, the beacon chain data will begin syncronising up to the latest head block。
Generating a validator keypair
将上一步./prysm.sh validator accounts create –keystore-path=$HOME/prysm/validator/命令输出的“Raw Transaction Data”拷贝到“Your validator deposit data”
Securing the validator key for use with prysm.sh
cat >> $HOME/prysm/validator/keystore.json << EOF { “path”: “$HOME/prysm/validator”, “passphrase”: “changeme” } EOF
通过prysm.sh启动validator client
Submitting the deposit contract 并签名